Thank You From Kafuga Forest!


Money from our recent #SaveKafugaForest campaign has been put to good use by our partners PROBICOU (Pro Biodiversity Conservationists in Uganda). But more money is needed to make sure the good work that has started, can be completed.

Where is Kafuga Forest?

Kafuga Forest is on the fringes of the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park – a UNESCO World Heritage site in South West Uganda. Home to many species of plants, insects and animals – just one of them being 400 of the world’s remaining 880 mountain gorillas. These critically endangered species are under threat if deforestation of Kafuga Forest is not stopped.

How will money raised be spent?

Before work can begin inside the forest, PROBICOU’s will set up community mobilisation meetings which in a rural set up, takes time. They’ll need to get the support of the local council (who own the forest) and state agencies like the Ugandan Wildlife Authority and the Ugandan Forest Authority, to agree on a conservation plan for the forest.

PROBICOU’s work doesn’t stop there, they need to lobby the central government for support, develop a community forest management plan and get that signed and approved by local authorities – because without their approval, nothing moves forwards. After that the forest boundaries need to be mapped out in detail (with help from Rain forest Rescue). Then there’s the matter of a community forest management and training plan to ensure the community’s engagement, responsibility and accountability.

PROBICOU with the support of communities, authorities, government and local farmers, will decide what is best for the forest and the livelihood of those that depend on it. Things like eco-tourism, trees for medicine, produce like passion fruit and trees that attract honey bees.

It’s an ambitious plan, but a very worthy challenge. At the heart of it, it’s really about empowering people to improve their livelihoods, learn new skills, protection of endangered species, raising awareness around a world heritage site, biodiversity and eco-tourism and as an individual – being part of something that leaves a positive mark for generations to come.


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