Restoring hope for farmers in the Rwenzori Mountains

From surging temperatures and plant diseases to unstable prices and climate shocks, the challenges faced by coffee and vanilla farmers in Uganda's Rwenzori Mountains are many.

But through our partnership with Agri Evolve, a local social enterprise, we’re working to restore hope for the farmers in this region.

Together, we’re training smallholder farmers in sustainable farming techniques like soil mulching and pest management to improve both the quantity and the quality of their produce.

We’re also supporting them to gain access to sustainable markets where they can grow their incomes by obtaining fair prices for their produce.

Creating resilient landscapes

Through the creation of three community tree nurseries, the smallholder farmers we’re working with will grow and plant trees. Together, we’re raising 30,000 tree seedlings in the nurseries which overtime, will be carefully transplanted onto local farms across Karambi and Mbunga sub-counties.

And with time, these trees help replenish the soil and protect crops from excessive sun exposure, harsh winds and heavy rains.

To date, we’ve already raised and potted 19,439 tree seedlings, including albizia, umbrella trees and mahogany.

And we’re happy to report that the creation of three community tree nurseries in Karambi and Mbunga has been met with enthusiasm, with farmers eager to pick trees at distribution time to increase tree coverage on their farms.

With sustained efforts, we're confident that this project will continue to have a lasting impact on the community, ensuring a resilient future for all.


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Support communities across Africa to plant trees for a greener, more resilient future.

Samuel Muhindo, Western Uganda Project Officer

Samuel has over 5 years experience working with coffee communities and farmers in the Mount Rwenzori region and beyond. He has a Bachelor degree in Arts and Social Sciences and a certificate in project planning and management. He has one of the largest coffee model farms in the Rwenzori region and he enjoys training coffee farmers on good agronomic practices. Samuel enjoys nature and looks forward to training more young farmers into descent farming and employment.


Healing Mutuluni Forest


How we can harness the power of trees to create flourishing farms