Join Plantober
as an organisation

Plantober is a new campaign to encourage people to get outside and engage with nature and help create a greener future by growing a tree from seed in a recycled carton. And you and your organisation can get involved too.

Plantober makes an excellent half term activity or a fun way to engage with your customers.

We have free kits of how to leaflets and stickers to help your run your activities. Simply complete the form to order yours.

If you need larger quantities than is listed in the form, or are looking for more bespoke resources, please drop us an email.

Plantober event kits

Download our social media graphics to publicise your involvement or Plantober event.

Social media graphics

Sign up to hear more

Keep up to date with everything Plantober. And hear from ITF throughout the year with news, advice and tips to help you grow your new tree.

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